Wireless N150 Pico USB Adapter, What It Does, Main Features, Compatible with 802.11g/b devices, W311MI is a wireless USB Adapter with WiFi transmission speed 3 times faster than 802.11g devices. USB-N10 is the shortest wireless USB adapter all over the world, boasting a 3 cm body length makes it very easy to carry and thereby greatly reducing the use of space. This wireless USB adapter can run at high-speed or full-speed for rapid downloads and uploads.
This wireless adapter features a sleek compact design that fits into your computer's USB port with minimal protrusion making it ideal for use when. USB WiFi adapters allow for fast, high-quality internet connections for your laptop or PC. Wireless Nano N-150 USB Adapter, Cable Matters Inc.ģ00 MHz or higher compatible processor with a USB 2.0 or 1. Download Now WIRELESS N150 USB MINI DRIVER